Welcome, Fantasy Romance Lovers
Are you searching for a new fantasy romance book to fall in love with? Maybe you want a slow burn, enemies-to-lovers five book saga. Or perhaps a standalone with a fast paced plot and lovable side characters. Or maybe something in-between.
Either way, you are in the right place!

I'm Jen
And I love getting lost in and writing fantasy romance books.
This place is for anyone who enjoys stories of magic, adventure, and love.
The site is separated into two main areas: book reviews and my writing journal.
You will also find information and updates on my own stories.
Book Reviews
AKA Book Recommendations. You’ll only find love here. If I did not enjoy a book, I likely did not finish it. And I certainly do not have time to write about a book I did not finish.
If there is no happily ever after, then it likely won’t be recommended here – at least not without a clear warning label.
Writing Journal
Here you’ll find my progress on my fantasy romance books, my opinions on different industry topics, and any other musings that I need to get out of my head.
Recent Posts

Book Recommendation: Daughter of Sparta
Sparta forged her into a deadly weapon. Now the gods need her to save the world. Last year, my husband gifted me a copy of